Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Wasp Woman 1959

The Wasp Woman 1959
*Glasses used for aging
* Glasses to say the character is smart
*Glasses to make a person unattractive
  The main focus is the character Janice Starlin, played by Susan Cobat. Janice runs a cosmetic company, she is intelligent, and in charge. She wears black frames and I love her very slim sheath dress. The viewer is to make the assumption that she is older, she does Run a company. 
Janice find a a scientist Eric Zinthrop played by Michael Mark who was fired from his previous job. Dr. Zinthrop was fired from the farm he was working at for his experiments on wasps. He  extracts enzymes from wasps to reverse the aging. Not just the appearance of aging, but aging from the inside out. He promises this wasp juice will make a person healthier and more beautiful.
This does sound like a beauty product wonder drug I would read about in Vogue, so yes I see why a woman like Janice would be interested in the research.  One can make a lot of money if something like that works. Also she wants to use it for her self, make herself look younger.
   This wonder drug was first tested on her cat.  almost magically he cat becomes a kitten again. So she starts testing the wasp juice on herself. After the first injection she gains good eyesight, like Spiderman.  Youth, beauty and good health also means good eyesight. I have bifocals at 30 no wonder I get sick all the time.  The Doctor want her to see him for a injection of wasp juice every day, however she sneaks in to his lab at  night and injects herself. I guess it was not working fast enough for her. 
 She goes into work Wow-ing her employees.  Without glasses, and with glamour girl eye makeup, I thought she looked good before the transformation but whatevs. She does put her glasses back on for a minute for a business meeting, but quickly takes the off.
Her secretary is concerned, she finds that Janice is using company money for this wasp research. Two of their mutual guy friends think Janice may be scammed by Dr. Zinthrop.

This Doctor Zinthrop abandons the lab, and it research never to be found, and Janice is starting to get bad reactions to the injections. She turns into DUN DUN DUN a Wasp WOMAN! and she attacks people, mostly the catty employees who teased her before.

I actually feel inspired and empathetic to Janice. I love how she is "in charge" of her own company, she calls the shots, makes the decisions and takes no bs from her employees.  A woman in charge is often ridiculed, a female cannot come off as "too aggressive" or "bossy". She wears glasses because she needs to see, she needs to read all the paper work for her cosmetic company, see all the people she has to deal with. Yet she sell beauty, she sells an ideal surrounded by society's notion of beauty. If you don't fit into that notion  when you work in that field, someone will say something. Being a head of a company is also like being you have to be an example as well.  I think she been around it so much, she took it too far, got desperate and well literally turned into a monster.
Think about it, did you ever try something stupid because you thought it made you look better? Did you try a haircut that looked cool in a magazine, but didn't look cool anymore after a couple weeks? Did you ever try that lip plumping  lipstick, and it burned you mouth like crazy?
I really don't see her as she was out to make a choice, she did choose to abuse the injections, yet I see her more as a victim. A victim of society's pressure on being beautiful.

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