Tuesday, August 12, 2014

An Introduction

Allo World!
 Where do I begin? let's see

Dorothy Parker was a writer and critic for Vogue, The New Yorker and Vanity Fair. She is known for her satire and for focusing on  the subject of young middle class women. She is also known for;
 "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses"

A statement, you think people wouldn't care about today.

I started wearing glasses in sixth grade. I was not bothered by the fact I had to wear them, because my whole family wears glasses. My grandparents wore them, my parents wore them my aunts and uncles wore them, the cousins I have met wore them. I figured one day I would wear them too. I didn't think they were unattractive at all. My parents never complained about wearing glasses.
 However my peers thought differently. Once I was noticed for wearing glasses everyday other girls my age were telling me I should get contacts, because "don't you want someone to see your eyes?"
The "someone" I assume would be male. I never understood that question. My response to that was; I'm not wearing sunglasses, they are clear prescription frames you can see my eyes if you bother to look.
I got this attitude all through high school and college. every couple of years I needed a new eyeglass prescription. Doctors on those visits asked if I wanted to try contacts, the answer is "nope".

I feel I look weird without my glasses, like really weird, I don't recognize myself, also my vision is rather bad without them so I cant recognize anything.

Where do people get this notion that to be attractive you must have 20/20 vision, or fake it with contacts? Is it from the hunter gather days of survival, the healthiest are the most attractive? If so then why do so many have poor eyesight today? I also wonder how many people really are un-attracted to people who wear glasses?  it's hard for me to believe a beautiful person with glasses is ignored because he or she have poor eyesight.

So here we go,

I watch a lot of movies, and I notice that often when a character is wearing glasses they are some sort of type. A nerdy, smarty pants type, comical character to laugh at but not with. Often female characters with glasses only wear the specs in the beginning of the movie because they are a scientist, or doctor  and after meeting the lead male character she no longer wear glasses and she become an accessory to the lead male. the viewer is suppose to believe the male character likes her because she's smart, not because she all dolled up for the rest of the film. I guess a smarty pants glasses wearing viewer that I am see through all that and finds it idiotic.  I find myself asking questions like " how can she see? she's driving running etc." " Is she wearing contacts now? wait no she just threw her frames off" " were they just reading glasses?"

Why cant the character wear glasses through out the movie?
why do I feel I cannot identify with 99% of film characters?

This blog is exploring how glasses are portrayed in movies,
 now I watch a lot of movies, good and bad, so some of these movies may be classics, some may be
well not so classic. All do show attitudes toward the wearing of glasses

I hope you keep reading on
have fun
explore movies you may not of heard, or watch movies again with a different perspective


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