Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hell Comes to Frogtown- 1987
* Glasses for introduction
* Glasses to show a character is a careerist

As I said in the introductory post; some movies I will be writing about are classic and some are well not so classic.
This film will never be put in the category of Citizen Kane or Gone with the Wind, but it sure is entertaining with it's ridiculous premise and overacting.

Roddy Piper pro wrestler and star from the Carpenter's classic They Live, plays and outlaw turned hero named Sam Hell who is imprisoned in the beginning of the film. To gain his freedom he has to go on a mission with two army women to save a group of kidnapped females. oh yeah I forgot to say this all takes in the future, after an unexplained apocalypse so whomever not human is a weird human frog mutant. These frog people have their own city and the king is holding the group of women. Sam Hell with two female companions have to save them and thus, Hell comes to Frogtown.

The one character Spangle is a blonde with big black frames who is in charge of the mission. Her character seems promising, she is a leader of the mission, smart  etc.  Three quarters into the movie and she is still wearing her glasses, "can this be true? " I thought to myself " is she going to wear them the entire movie? even though she is pretty much now the love interest?"
 Yet I was still disappointed.
The scene is Spangle and Sam Hell are in disguise to sneak into Frogtown. In an attempt to perfect Spangle's disguise Sam takes off her glasses. I was crossing my fingers that he was going to put them into his pocket. The glasses were thrown into the dessert, never to be found again. Maybe after the mission the army can give her a new pair? I think after an apocalypse resources for eye glasses are scarce.
I can understand taking them off temporarily to go incognito but throwing them into the dirt far away as if they are worthless? She needs to see! seeing is important!
The rest of the movie is as predicted, lots of action, one liners and she is shooting, running and fighting along Roddy's side as if she never need glasses in the first place. 

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