Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Santa Claus is Coming to Town 1970


Santa Claus is Coming to Town 1970

*Glasses to give a character Smarts

This  stop animation television special by Rankin- Bass shows how Kris Kringle (Mickey Rooney) an orphan adopted by elves became Santa Claus. If you don't mind funny moving mouths, fishing wire and plot holes you will find this so delightful. If you are like me you find it rather funny.

The first Character we see wearing glasses is one of the elves.
 All the elves have funny names that rhyme with Kringle, I think the one with glasses is named "Dingle". All we know about him is that he is old, an elf, makes toy and helped raised Kris. I guess when you have four dads and one mother, you don't know much about all the dads?
These elves used to be the royal toymakers, they spent a lifetime developing this skill. Yet for unexplained reasons they don't make toys for the royal family anymore. They still waste time and money making toys just to throw them in a pile outside their house. Little Kris pointed out that they could sell the toys to the nearby town. However they are afraid of the Winter Warlock (Keenan Wynn), apparently he does not like elves. So when Kris becomes a grown up he ventures out through the Warlock dominated wilderness to the town to sell toys. You think because the Warlock doesn't like elves, Kris would be smart enough to not look like and elf. However he wear a red suit like they do, and gets caught.  He gives the warlock a gift and sing a song, and they become friends. It's amazing how a toy train engine can make a villain into a good guy.
When Kris Kringle finnaly gets to the town, Sombertown he is unaware of how bad it is there. The children do chores all the time and all it's people are forced to dress in greyscale.  Kris is unaware that their mayor; Burgermeister  outlawed toys, due to his slipping on one. The children he meets are overjoyed to see toys, and In comes their teacher;

I cannot find the scene on Youtube nor Vimeo. The Kids introduce her "that's Miss Jessica our Teacher". She comes in holding her glasses, whenever she has to see Kris Kringle, She tries to explain what he is doing is actually illegal in Sombertown.  They way she uses these spectacles, she clearly needs them. Then Kris gives her a doll. She always wanted a doll.

She falls in love with him.

We never see her use her glasses again. She doesn't need them, because she is in love.  It's almost like Kirs Kringle is the Freddy Prince Jr. of the Rankin-Bass animation world.

Then she really lets her hair down, BECAUSE she knows Just where she belongs, with Kris Kringle.

Her world is beginning today, even thought she has no plans, and it's out of her hands.
Just go with the flow Jessica


Friday, December 19, 2014

Stephen Colbert

I have been a long time watcher of Stephen Colbert, I remember him on the Daily Show.
I can never get enough Satire, I started watching the Daily show because I was sick of the news. Itt was time to make fun of it. Colbert took it a step further by playing a character and that character got his own show.

Not everyone got his satire (#Cancel Swift) but those who did loved it. He wore his glasses throughout, only taking them off to put on goggles for motoring, or a hood to become an honorary member of Pussy Riot.

Some may argue since his frames are the drill post kind, they are near invisible thus they don't count. I think most people male and female are pressured not to have glasses, and he kept them.

There are few celebrities that wear their glasses consistently, that we know they wear them.

The show is now over and I will miss it greatly.

here is a link of all the few and funny moments of breaking character:

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Christmas Story 1983



A Christmas Story

* Glasses to create a awkward, or regular kid

 I can't write about this one fully this year, I would have to watch it.
I can't watch it. You know the marathons of this movie?

My brother would watch those marathons


Every Year

For Four Years

 and no one could change the channel

My father thought this movie was funny, so further encouragement to continue watching it.

If I ever found it funny I don't anymore I just need to get away from this movie

seriously need a couple years away from it

SO for now;

The lead character Ralphie Parker wears glasses through out the movie. He only wants one thing for Chirstmas, a BB gun. When he gets his gun he shoots the gun and he accidently knocking his glasses off and then stepping on them,  He actually thought he did what his mother said "You'll shoot your eye out" 
For a kid the moment of panic, from not seeing and not knowing any better yeah you would think you shot your eye out for a second.  Also his mom comforts him and we go "AAAWWW"

Ralphie not tough enough to have a gun. He is just a sweet glasses wearing little boy.

the end

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Hard Days Night 1964



A Hard Days Night 1964

* glasses to create an Other
* glasses used to add age

I had the pleasure of seeing a print of this film on the big screen at the Colonial Theater with my father. The way this film was shot was brilliant, and at the time was never done before.  Often you are looking at characters on television screens and mirrors, also  "amateur" hand held camera techniques are used to keep a faster pace of the movie. I don't expect everyone to look at the same details on composition as me, but this film is very funny as well. It has often been compared to  the Marx Brothers movies, and since the director hang out with The Beatles before shooting, he got a good feel for everyone's character. Some of the lines in the movie are things The Beatles have said, and their tailor was in the film as well.
But enough of that talk,
 There are Glasses in this film. If you have not seen it, it's not what you think. John Lennon did not start wearing glasses till later.  There is one particular character that wears glasses throughout. Paul's Grandfather.  John McCartney, Paul's (fictitious) Grandfather (Wilfrid Brambell) is traveling along with Paul and his band to get a change of scenery. However he is a "king mixer" as Paul puts it and gets in all kinds of trouble.
Glasses are used as a tool here, they are to age the actor. This grandfather character is from another generation, and another country. He is Irish, he life was not as easy as his grandkid's  he faced discrimination. Enough so that makes him kinda kooky around authority.  He convinced Ringo to have some adventure, to enjoy himself which leads to him getting arrested, Which is pretty bad due to they have be on tv soon.Take a look at one of my favorite scenes  after he gets arrested for causing a disruption in front of the television studio:
go about 5 Minutes in to see his reaction to the police

 Ringo doesn't understand, due to being a different generation and living in England.  Also these particular policemen are rather polite.
There is another Character who wears glasses through out the film, the TV director's assistant. The director Simon is rather over dramatic, a worry wart, Adrian(Julian Holloway) his assistant does what he is told. He pretty much fallows Simon around writing down anything he says. I can't find the scene on youtube, He takes a drumstick and plays around on Ringo's drum kit. Which gets Ringo a little upset. The only respect Adrian has is for the director.
And yet another use of glasses is in this scene:

I think that is all the speaking characters,
lots of extras wearing glasses too.